Thursday, May 1, 2008

So it begins. . .

My wonderful wife (Gigi) started a blog a while back that covers the happenings of our family. I have authored posts to that blog on occasion, and have offered up more than my fair share of comments, and will continue to do so, but have been meaning to start my own blog. I am working on getting into the habit of blogging for work on our department blog, but that will be geared towards the needs of the department I head up at work (Media Services @ Gustavus Adolphus College), but I hope that by having my own blog, I will develop the habit of blogging which will enhance the frequency and content for that blog (or I am just creating an insane level of expectation and work for myself- but that's nothing new). This way I have an outlet for my thoughts, ideas, observations and musings without "hijacking" the family blog (which is really Gigi's blog, which is centered around our family, and things she finds important in her life- which includes me) or being limited on what is appropriate topic wise for a work blog.

Ta Da, here it is.

I am still in the process of tweaking settings and elements (yes blogging friends, I picked a style sheet that is a color variant on the one Gigi used for the family blog- as I have always liked the one that she picked and I haven't taken the time to learn CSS, but when I do, the look might change), so don't expect anything spectacular any time soon. Keep in mind that this is the insanely busy time of the year for me at my job working at Gustavus Adolphus College as the Spring semester is wrapping up and we prepare for Summer (yes I know what you are thinking, but as an Educational Technologist, summer is traditionally very busy as it is the only time of the year where we can do major overhauls and upgrades to systems, and not have a constant bombardment of needs from faculty and students or worry about ripping something apart and not having it working within an hour or two).

Warning- there may be some posts that might not make a whole lot of sense at times, as I am working on finishing my Masters in Educational Technology, and all I have left is my APP (alternate plan paper- like a thesis, but not) which I intend to finish this summer, and I can already see that this might be an outlet for notes, thoughts etc as they need a place to go so I can process and expand on them. If "potential educational applications of high quality video transmission utilizing multicast enabled computer networks" is your thing, you have come to the right place, and I look forward to your comments and ideas that will help me finish up this project and my MS degree. It won't all be academic in nature (good God, I hope I have a life beyond work), but I can foresee a definite lean towards technology related things.

Thanks for stopping and reading, see you back soon.


Diana said...

Sorry....potential educational applications of high quality video transmission utilizing multicast enabled computer not my thing. But I'll still check your blog!! haha. Welcome to the blogging'll be addicted in no time.

Matt said...

Oh, don't worry, there will be plenty of fun and games here as well, but I knew that the deep stuff wasn't the sort of thing we wanted on the family blog.

This way I can go techie when I want, and don't have to worry about stepping on any toes (or scare away people who are looking for stories about the kids, and have not interest in these sort of things). The Guys can talk video games, your sister and I can swap photography and photo editing pointers, and most importantly- I can empty my brain of all the things that are floating around (this actually improves your ability to focus on important tasks- but that is a different post).

Thanks for coming, see you around!

Gigi said...

Congrats on your new blog! I love you!

Martha said...

Got around to reading your blog, Matt. Nice stories. I feel compelled to write one. I need something else to think about in the symphony off season, and I don't play golf. :)